Wednesday, July 25, 2007
happiness is when ur daddy loves you!

i'm actually very tired today.. officially, lessons end at 1.25. but the dumb doctor guy dragged his speech till abt 1.35? then had extra lit class at 1.45.. WITH MDM ZAR!!! HAHAS.. so i dint complain. only thing i complained was tt the air con was freaking cold. HAHA.

i'm so super exhausted. i contemplated this morning whether or nt to go sku. and i decided. yes. for the sake of mdm zar. i'm going! but almost late for sku laa.. YJ!!! we nid to meet earlier laa.. HAHA. poor rachel fell down in sku and her leg is like plastered. :// Oo

anw, lessons were normal. at least i dint fall aslp okays? nt really laa. anw, then had to stay back to do duty at SAC (student activity Corner).. until abt 4.50.. coz the students were still playing. we officially close at 4.30..

anw, i was complaining to hsiang lin and jan abt hw dumb my phone is. hw it keeps going to screen saver mode. so i decided.. i'm gonna buy phone today lahh!!! so fed up! and i did. went straight to the shop and bought myself a samsung phone. yes, u may ask, y samsung? coz the sony ones all so ugly and ex. and this samsung phone of mine, ( which i dunno the model) is the slim edition de!! :DD super nice. and 3 mega pixel cam. can cam whore the whole day laa.. i totally love the functions. so much better than NOKIA! OMG! LOLS!

yes, anw, chari's a happy girl. tho daddy disciplines her, (which is a must) he loves her alot alot alot!! :DDDD can tell!! HAHA!! i love daddy too!! :D u're so wonderful daddy! i wouldnt trade u for anything!! :DD THANK YOU DADDYY!! :DD so in the end, i paid only $28 for my phone. i traded in my dumb phone for $100! :DD quite pleased with tt laa.. HAHA.

anw, chari gtg. slp is what she nids nw.

CHARI ** ((:
Slid down the rainbow at 21:19
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